Shenzhen BaoEr Energy Technology Co., LTD.

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Shenzhen BaoEr Energy Technology Co., LTD.

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a focus on high-tech enterprises in the field of new energy industry, our team has the best engineering company in the world and experts of cutting-edge technology, has more than 10 years of solar inverters, MPPT charger, solar UPS, photovoltaic (pv), energy storage systems and lithium battery design and manufacturing experience.We have passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and the products have passed the CE certification. The company has always adhered to the innovation of independent research and development.


Rated Power 2400W 24VDC Solar Inverter
Rated Power 2400W 24VDC Solar Inverter Rated Power 2400W 24VDC Solar Inverter The DC 2.4 kw inverterwith a rated power of 2400 watts is suitable for application scenarios with relativel...