Hangzhou Enb Textiles Improt&Export Co., Ltd

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Hangzhou Enb Textiles Improt&Export Co., Ltd

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We are one of the biggest airline interior products supplier in China. We manufacture and provide all types of in-flight products to esteemed airlines and suppliers around the world.

Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also supply amenity kit, airline bag, airsick ness bag, airline headset, slipper, eye mask such kinds of airline supplies.

We welcome customers from all over the world.


airline blanket
airline blanket Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
airline products
airline products Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
airline headrest cover
airline headrest cover Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
Airline amenity kit
Airline amenity kit Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
airline pillow
airline pillow Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
airline pillowcase
airline pillowcase Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
airsickness bag
airsickness bag Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...
airline headset
airline headset Our airline cabin products includes airline blanket, hot towel, headrest cover, pilllow and pillowcase such kinds of inflight comfort kit, we also ...