HK Lebon International Co.,LTD

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HK Lebon International Co.,LTD

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We are a manufacturing supplier in China, force companies to disposable cameras, wedding cameras, underwater cameras, waterproof cameras, Flash cameras. Camera has features of underwater photographs.


Disposable camera
Disposable camera ◎ Material: PVC plastic ◎ Size: 150 x 98 x 60mm ◎ use of the film: Dark Corners of the effect of 135 ordinary negatives, any photo shop can be fl...
Flash camera
Flash camera ◎ Material: PVC plastic ◎ Size: 150 x 98 x 60mm ◎ use of the film: Dark Corners of the effect of 135 ordinary negatives, any photo shop can be fl...
LOMO cameras
LOMO cameras ◎ Material: PVC plastic ◎ Size: 150 x 98 x 60mm ◎ use of the film: Dark Corners of the effect of 135 ordinary negatives, any photo shop can be fl...
Waterproof camera
Waterproof camera ◎ Material: PVC plastic ◎ Size: 150 x 98 x 60mm ◎ use of the film: Dark Corners of the effect of 135 ordinary negatives, any photo shop can be fl...
underwater cameras
underwater cameras ◎ Material: PVC plastic ◎ Size: 150 x 98 x 60mm ◎ use of the film: Dark Corners of the effect of 135 ordinary negatives, any photo shop can be fl...
Wedding cameras
Wedding cameras ◎ Material: PVC plastic ◎ Size: 150 x 98 x 60mm ◎ use of the film: Dark Corners of the effect of 135 ordinary negatives, any photo shop can be ...
mobile charging power 6000mAh
mobile charging power 6000mAh Capacity:6000mAh Charging for mobile ;1.5-2h Input charging time:5-6h Cycle Life:more than 500 time