Jewelry factory Joker

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Jewelry factory Joker

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Jewelry factory Joker is always ready to cooperate and ready to surprise the original jewelry and accessories brand Joker appeared in 2000, but has already gained an enviable popularity. Plots products are provocative subtext. This tribal tattoos of different peoples, ancient symbols, signs of medieval secret societies, elements of the Gothic style, martial arts, alchemy. By Joker designer rings, pendants, bracelets carry a secret meaning, which is always accompanied jewelry a few centuries ago. This is a peculiar game in the secrets of the past, which struck a chord among connoisseurs of jewelry in the XXI century.


pendant Skyrim
pendant Skyrim Width / Length: 23 x 43 mm. Thickness: 12 mm. Cord 40 cm. Stylized collapsible Skyrim pendant in the shape of an ancient nordskogo helmet with horn...