
减肥茶 卖方: 北京驰宇博业商贸有限公司
减肥咖啡 卖方: 北京驰宇博业商贸有限公司
减肥胶囊 卖方: 北京驰宇博业商贸有限公司 长效和强效的特异性胃肠道脂肪酶抑制剂,它通过与胃和小肠腔内胃脂肪酶和胰脂肪酶的活性丝氨酸部位形成共价键使酶失活而发挥治疗作用,失活的酶不能将食物中的脂肪,主要是甘油三酯水解为可吸收的游离脂肪酸和...
Turkesterone 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Turkesterone keyword:supplement;muscle growth (sales9 at lgberry dot com dot cn)Turkesterone 40...
Cladonia Rangife
Cladonia Rangife 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Cladonia Rangife About cladina rangiferina, we have produced two kinds, 10:1 and 20:1. And We ...
Tongkat ALI Extract
Tongkat ALI Extract 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Tongkat ALI Extract Keyword: tongkat extract (sales9 at lgberry dot com dot cn) Latin Name: Eu...
Marchantia polymorpha P.E.
Marchantia polymorpha P.E. 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Marchantia polymorpha P.E. keyword: Marchantia The English name: liverwort extract China primev...
Ganoderma extract
Ganoderma extract 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Ganoderma extract is used to cure many kinds of cancer. Ganoderma lucidum is also called Ling Zhi...
Parmotrema Tinctorum
Parmotrema Tinctorum 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Parmotrema tinctorum is a kind of lichen. Its extract is good for human kidney, and antibiotic. ...
Speranskia Tuberculata
Speranskia Tuberculata 卖方: 大兴安岭林格贝有机食品有限公司 Speranskia tuberculata extract is used as health ingredient in supplement. packaging : cardboar...
蓝莓花青素 卖方: 大兴安岭威格斯特有限公司 English name: Blueberry Anthocyanin Active ingredients: Anthocyanin Specification: 5%, 10%, 15%...
淫羊藿提取物 卖方: 大兴安岭威格斯特有限公司 English name: Epimedium P.E. Latin name: Epimedium grandiflorum Actions: 1. used as a tonic f...
黄雪轮提取物 卖方: 大兴安岭威格斯特有限公司 English name: Silene otites (L.) Wibel Actions: The extract is a new natural plant health produc...
玛卡提取物 卖方: 大兴安岭威格斯特有限公司 English name: Maca P.E. Actions: 1. Improve the physical, anti-fatigue; 2. Enhance energy, ant...
口罩 卖方: Kitairu LTD 口罩 50PC 的体积: 18.5*8.5*10CM, 重量2.5G/PC