Baoding Lianzhong Food Co., Ltd.

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Baoding Lianzhong Food Co., Ltd.

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Started in 2002, in2003, cooperation with Vimto, China-England;2004, with Dia, China-Spain;2005, with Carrefour, China-France;Export business begin;2006, with Metro, China-German;2007, a big leap of export business;2008, with Walmart China-United States;2011, in 700-can filling streamline...


almond juice drink
almond juice drink Premium Almonds, Taste just from the Fresh Almond Tree, Refreshing and DeliciousCreative Unique Experience!
coconut juice drink
coconut juice drink Premium coconut- tree of life, smooth and silk taste, fragrant ... Unique and fragrant and delicious;Creative Experience
walnut peanut juice drink
walnut peanut juice drink Premium walnut & peanut, Perfect taste... Unique and fragrant and delicious;Creative Experience